Amys Kitchen Bridges the Gap for Family-Friendly Meals

Amy’s KitchenOver 50% of adults have some interest in vegan foods. Either they desire to try out a vegan diet or some vegan foods. Amy’s Kitchen, a well-known maker o vegetarian and organic foods, released this report. They surveyed over 2,000 Americans to understand the importance of pursuing a meatless diet. More than 56% of the adults interviewed desired a shortcut to vegetarian diets.

Many reasons lead to the great love for eating and purchasing meatless foods. These include; the desire to protect Mother Nature, health and a willingness to enjoy plant-based taste preferences. The number is increasing by the day, and the percentage has risen to 70%. Most of these adults fight to find suitable meals for feeding their kids and look for easy ways of accessing plant-based meals.

The Beauty of Vegan Meals

Looking at the internet, there has been a significant rise in the search for vegetarian and vegan recipes. Today, Google is registering over 100,000 internet searches monthly. This means people are becoming more interested in plant-based meals than meat-based meals. People are also looking for easy ways of fixing their meals for easy, time-saving solutions. According to the survey, everyone had reasons for searching for plant-based meals.

However, the highest percentage showed interest in plant-based foods to improve their health. The second category developed an interest in plant-based meals to protect Mother Nature. The last bunch was motivated by the taste. Amy’s Kitchen will always be there if consumers want to incorporate plant-based diets.

The Best Family-Friendly Meals

There are very many advantages that come with incorporating healthy plants into their meals. However, many adults, busy with their day-to-day activities, rarely have time to prepare family-friendly meals. Many adults, especially parents, have confessed to having problems feeding their kids healthy meals. Most of the foods they cook are selected due to their level of convenience and especially in preparing them.

Amy’s KitchenLuckily, Amy’s Kitchen has come as a bridge between busy parents and unhealthy kids. With their kid-friendly plant-based meals, parents can now feed their children with healthy foods that taste homemade. Some include Amy’s Macaroni and Cheese and Amy’s Spinach Pizza, among others. These delicacies are cooked and then frozen, ready for use.